Divulga-se o inquérito denominado “Challenges for clinical practice with immune checkpoint inhibitors as single agent in NSCLC”, dirigido a Oncologistas e Pneumologistas, que tenham alguma experiência em cancro de pulmão.
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Mensagem dos promotores do inquérito internacional:
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are changing clinical practice and outcomes in different diseases. But there are still many uncertainties and lack of evidence with these novel treatments.
On behalf of Institut Jules Bordet and ONCODISTINCT network, we invite you to participate in this survey entitled “Challenges for Clinical Practice with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors monotherapy in the treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)” led by Dr. Luis Castelo-Branco, Dr. Gilberto Morgan, Prof. Helena Canhão (Comprehensive Health Research Center, Nova Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal) Prof. Jan Van Meerbeeck (Head of the department of Pulmonology & Thoracic Oncology, Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium) and Prof. Ahmad Awada (Head of the Oncology Medicine Department at Jules Bordet Cancer Institute Brussels, Belgium).