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Carlos Vieira Reis distinguido pela União Mundial de Escritores

O Comité Diretor da UMEM – União Mundial dos Escritores Médicos, representada pelo seu Presidente, Simone Pietro Bandirali, decidiu atribuir o Prémio Internacional UMEM 2024 Hipócrates Pegasus ao médico português Carlos Vieira Reis pelo mérito literário. O nome do cirurgião geral português foi proposto pela SOPEAM – Sociedade Portuguesa de Escritores e Artistas Médicos e, ao recair sobre ele a votação da maioria dos países representados na UMEM, Carlos Vieira Reis passa a ser o primeiro vencedor de sempre deste prémio inédito.

A Presidente da SOPEAM, a cirurgiã pediátrica Maria José Leal, realçou precisamente que esta “é a primeira vez que o prémio é atribuído” e enalteceu a obra literária do colega Carlos Vieira Reis que, além de uma obra extensa sempre pugnou por contribuir para a divulgação do trabalho dos escritores médicos, tendo no passado presidido à SOPEAM e também à própria UMEM. Recordamos como a Revista da Ordem dos Médicos noticiou, com orgulho, na revista de outubro de 2002, a eleição de Carlos Vieira Reis para um primeiro mandato, por unanimidade, como Presidente da União Mundial de Escritores Médicos, cargo que iria desempenhar a partir de 2004. Carlos Vieira Reis é autor do livro “Ordem dos Médicos – passado e presente” editado há duas décadas e que consiste na história desta instituição.

O prémio será atribuído no Congresso de Varna. A UMEM é uma instituição que reúne dezenas de países e que tem como objetivo a promoção e divulgação dos médicos escritores de todo o mundo.


Maria José Leal agradeceu ainda o trabalho de Mariana Bettencourt como relatora e a organizadora do currículo que enviaram à UMEM e que reproduzimos a baixo. “Para ela também a nossa gratidão”, fez questão de frisar, demonstrando o seu orgulho pela distinção atribuída a um escritor médico português.

Carlos Manuel Vieira Reis: Curriculum vitae

Background, degrees and achievements:

Born in the city of Chaves (northern Portugal) on January 19th 1935

Medical studies in the University of Coimbra

Successful examinations in several disciplines of the first year of the Psychology course

Philosophy course (incomplete) in the Humanities Faculty of the Classical University of Lisbon

Final medical examination and Thesis presentation in the University of Lisbon, January 1960

Followed the entire medical career (from Internship to Head of Hospital Service, always submitting to public examinations) in the Lisbon Civil Hospitals

Followed the military career to the rank of Medical Coronel

Speciality in Surgery since 1967

Head of Surgical Service

Sub-Director of the Principal Military Hospital and of the Military Medical Health Service School

Ministered theoretical and practical Surgery classes at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Lisbon) during 8 years

Chief Redactor of the Portuguese Military Medicine Magazine

Correspondent in Portugal for the Medical Corps International Magazine

Founder (in collaboration) of the Therapeutics Information Magazine, at the Principal Military Hospital

Translator of a voluminous North American essay on modern-times European medicine

As a divulger of medical subjects in the popular media, published (during 4 years) a weekly column on health subjects in a TV Magazine, was author and daily host of the prime-time television show “Dear Health” and presenter of 35 programmes (entitled “And if I told you…”) about Medical History on cable TV channels

In the Regional Radio of Cabinda (Angola) author and speaker of a weekly programme “Poetry, music and theatre – the necessary trilogy”

Being an enthusiast of new communication technologies, created a blog www.darcordaaoneuronio.blogspot.com) and a web page (http://carlosvieirareis.no.sapo.pt) having divulged regularly, in the internet site “Vidas Lusófonas” (Lives of Portuguese speakers) the biographies of medical and literary illustrious personalities, amongst whom Amatus Lusitanus, Abel Salazar, Reynaldo dos Santos, Teodoro Ferreira de Aguiar, Fernando Namora and Agostinho da Silva


Titles and charges in Societies relating to the fields of Literature and Arts:

President of the Portuguese Association of Doctor-Writers and Artists (1994-2004)

President of the Union of Portuguese-speaking countries’ Doctor-Writers and Artists between 1996 and 2000 (in which year the presidency passed on to Brazil)

Elected President of the World Doctor-Writers for the five-year mandate between 2004 and 2009

Foreign Associate of the Brazilian Arts and Letters Academy of North-eastern Brazil

Foreign Associate of the Spanish Association of Doctor-Writers

Foreign Associate of the Brazilian Association of Doctor-Writers

Associate of the Portuguese Writer’s Association and of the Portuguese Author’s Association

Member of the National Fine Arts Society

Treasurer of the Portuguese Medical History Association

Associate of the International Medical History Association

Associate of the Geographical Society of Lisbon

Founder (in collaboration) of the Cultural Association “Club of 50” a discussion group of arts and ideas

Was awarded the Literary Career Prize (together with Luís Lourenço) by the General Assembly of the Portuguese Association of Doctor-Writers and Artists (2024)


Published works:

“Prazer em conhecê-lo” – A pleasure to meet you (short stories) 1984

“Um rio de vinho, um rio de sangue” – A river of wine, a river of blood (essay) – Cesare Pavese Prize, awarded in Italy 1989

The Health Service as an essential component of Defence (essay) – Merit Prize from the Army General Staff

History of Portuguese Military History (Initially published in fascicles, between 1991 and 1995)

“O prazer foi todo meu” – My pleasure (short stories) 1992

“50 Poemas de amor, angústia e morte” – 50 Poems on love, anguish and death, 1995

“Crónica de um enigma” – Chronicle of an enigma (novel) –  Fialho de Almeida Prize, 1997

Military doctors’ contribution to Portuguese medicine in the last two centuries (essay) – Abel Salazar Prize, 1997

“Minhas senhoras e meus senhores” – Ladies and gentlemen (a collection of texts on medical history) 1998

“Ponto sem nó” – A stitch without a knot (novel) 2001

From the Estrela High School to the Principal Military Hospital (history) 2002

History of the Portuguese Urology Association, 2002

UMEM-the possible history, 2004

The Portuguese Medical Association: past and future, 2007

“Dar corda ao neurónio” – Winding the neuron (a collection of essays previously posted in his homonymous blog) 2020

“À beira da memória” – At the brink of memory, 2021

“Morrer de véspera” – To die the day before, 2021